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Storm8 World War Game on iPhone & iPod Touch


All missions currently available on your level are shown on this screen

Each Country Flag has various Mission tab names, some different, some the same and some in a different tab order

Here is a list of mission and tabs for different countries

Mission   USA          UK         Germany    China        Russia
Tab #1     Americas     Europe     Europe     East Asia    Balkans
Tab #2     Europe       Atlantic   Balkans    South Asia   East Asia
Tab #3     Africa       Balkans    Africa     Africa       Europe
Tab #4     Pacific      Africa     Atlantic   Pacific      Atlantic
Tab #5     Mideast      Mideast    Mideast    Mideast      Mideast
Tab #6     East Asia    Americas   Americas   Americas     Americas
Tab #7     Atlantic     Pacific    Pacific    Atlantic     Pacific
Tab #8     Baltic Sea   Oceania    Oceania    Baltic Sea   Oceania
Tab #9     Siberia      S. Asia    S. Asia    Europe       S. Asia
Tab #10    S. Asia      E. Asia    E. Asia    Siberia      Siberia
There are 10 locations to do missions, each available at higher levels, each location has a number of missions to complete. To go to other locations, click on the tab of the location you wish to view. More tabs are available by clicking on the arrow to the right of the viewable location tabs

Missions can be "mastered" by doing them a certain amount of times. Mastering a mission to rank 1 will grant you an additional "X" amount of experience (where x is the amount you gain from doing that mission twice) and "Y" amount of money (where y is an amount you can gain from doing that mission twice). By mastering all missions in a certain area to rank 1, you gain a set amount of skill points, and can now rank them up to rank 2. Rank 2 works the same as rank one, except you get a loot item once they're all ranked up instead of skill points

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