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Storm8 World War Game on iPhone & iPod Touch

Heroic Reinforcements

Originally known as Secret Reinforcements

Big Dog Robot
Level: 1
Attack: 17
Defense: 21
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Common
Disband: $67,500
Upkeep: $0

Exosuit Infantry
Level: 1
Attack: 15
Defense: 24
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Common
Disband: $67,500
Upkeep: $0

A129 Mangusta Helicopter
Level: 1
Attack: 20
Defense: 25
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Common
Disband: $155,000
Upkeep: $0

MiG-29 Fulcrum Fighter
Level: 1
Attack: 40
Defense: 25
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Uncommon
Disband: $325,000
Upkeep: $0

Amphibious Combat Craft
Level: 1
Attack: 55
Defense: 25
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Uncommon
Disband: $400,000
Upkeep: $0

SU-47 Berkut Fighter
Level: 1
Attack: 50
Defense: 20
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Uncommon
Disband: $675,000
Upkeep: $0

LCS-2 Littoral Combat Ship
Level: 1
Attack: 38
Defense: 62
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Rare
Disband: $650,000
Upkeep: $0

CV90120T Tank
Level: 1
Attack: 60
Defense: 40
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Rare
Disband: $900,000
Upkeep: $0

Eurofighter Typhoon
Level: 1
Attack: 72
Defense: 48
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Unknown Shipment - Rare
Disband: $1,000,000
Upkeep: $0

GMS Lynx Rifle Squad
Level: 36
Attack: 37
Defense: 72
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Common
Disband: $500,000
Upkeep: $0

BMP 3M Armored Personnel Carrier
Level: 36
Attack: 40
Defense: 65
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Common
Disband: $1,000,000
Upkeep: $0

Terrex Infantry Combat Vehicle
Level: 36
Attack: 110
Defense: 80
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Uncommon
Disband: 3,100,000
Upkeep: $0

F124 Sachsen Class Frigate
Level: 36
Attack: 80
Defense: 110
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Uncommon
Disband: $3,500,000
Upkeep: $0

X-29 FSW Fighter
Level: 36
Attack: 170
Defense: 20
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Uncommon
Disband: $4,000,000
Upkeep: $0

KA-52 Alligator Helicopter
Level: 36
Attack: 150
Defense: 80
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Rare
Disband: $7,600,000
Upkeep: $0

JAS 39 Gripen Fighter
Level: 36
Attack: 200
Defense: 40
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Rare
Disband: $8,250,000
Upkeep: $0

DDH 181 Hyuga Carrier
Level: 36
Attack: 135
Defense: 135
Cost: 50 Honor Points - Secret Reinforcement - Rare
Disband: $9,000,000
Upkeep: $0

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